Hire Full-Stack Developers
SALT / Hire Full-Stack Developers
Risk-free recruitment with Try & Hire
Tomorrow's Full-Stack Developers. Available Today.
Choose from a large talent pool of highly-skilled Developers, trained by some of the best tech instructors in Northern Europe. Our unique recruitment system only allows the top candidates to make it through to our award winning career programs. Out of more than a thousand applications, only 30 people finally get the chance to participate.
After completing and passing the training, our developers become productive full-stack developers focusing on web and mobile development. What they learn is always adapted to the market and demand, and they are always up to date with the latest technologies.
Hire your next developer
Hire full-stack developers
Don't take our word for it
Client testimonials

”SALT reviewed our needs, and together we selected suitable candidates whom we met. The candidate who then joined us was the best puzzle piece for the team and also had a background in the finance world.”

Tomas Svedman
Engineering Growth Manager,
Söderberg & Partners
Söderberg & Partners

"SALT’s developers came in and directly started solving problems together in so-called ‘mobs’, demonstrating to everyone else how effective this way of working could be."

Pär Degerman
CTO - Sensys Gatso

"The developers from SALT outperformed others with similar training."

Peter Bergenwald
Engineering Director - Klarna

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Full-Stack Developers?
We have available Developers in Sweden and Norway. Fill out the form, and we'll be in touch.
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