Gabriel Salomão Coelho da Costa’s unexpected journey began when he started coding in his hometown in Brazil and ended up working for the prestigious vehicle brand, Polestar, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
– I began coding in 2020 and started building different web pages, including a social media platform for musicians. I also started to explore game development and learning from online tutorials, says Gabriel.
Gabriel’s connection to Sweden started because of his father, who moved here. Gabriel stayed in Brazil and continued studying at Universidade Federal da Bahia. While visiting his father in Sweden, he was introduced to SALT. Gabriel applied to SALT’s .Net/C# Career Program to improve his coding skills and was accepted!
He appreciated the intensive career program, particularly the focus on “soft skills.” At SALT, the developers are trained to work in mobs with people of different backgrounds, possessing effective communication and collaboration skills.
“At SALT, I had to learn how to communicate in front of groups. I learned a lot and have applied those skills in my current job. The career program helped me become comfortable talking to people professionally and socially. Now, I’m confident initiating new conversations”, says Gabriel.
Shortly after graduating from SALT, Gabriel started his current job as a software engineer at Polestar in October last year.
“I genuinely enjoy my job at Polestar. It’s challenging and involves a lot of collaboration with various teams within the organization. I can definitely see myself working here for a long time.“, says Gabriel.