Hire JavaScript/TS Developers
SALT / Hire Full-Stack Developers / Hire JavaScript/TS Developers
Hire Full Stack JavaScript Developers
Our Full Stack JavaScript Developers can seamlessly transition between designing and developing the user interface and creating and maintaining the server-side logic, databases, and APIs.
We equip our JavaScript developers with the necessary soft and hard skills that make them future-proof and resilient developers in an ever-changing JavaScript landscape.
Our team of talented JavaScript developers is ready to help you bring your web development projects to life. Interested in learning more?
Which skills do our JavaScript developers have?
- Full-Stack Vanilla JS (ES6)
- Mob programming
- Problem solving
- Node
- TypeScript
- Advanced TypeScript
- Async Programming
- APIs
- GraphQL/REST
- UX
- React
- Redux
- Hackday
- Databases
- Docker
- Serverless
- Scrum Sprint 1
- Scrum Sprint 2
- Project presentation
- Graduation
Frequently asked questions about our JavaScript developers
What is the cost of hiring a JavaScript developer from SALT?
Our prices are competitive. In addition, you minimize the risk of wrong recruitment and save time.
How long are the contracts for JavaScript developers?
Typically, the contracts are for one year.
Is it possible to take over the employment of your JavaScript developers?
Yes, after the contract period, you have the opportunity to take over the employment without any additional cost.
Is it possible to hire a whole team of JavaScript developers?
Yes, subject to availability. Please contact us for more information.

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SALT makes hiring of a developer easy and risk-free

1. Get in touch
Tell us what kind of developer you need and how many. Hire a whole team or individuals only. Our instructors will work with you to understand your goals and needs to find a perfect match.

2. Select the candidate
Get introduced to hand-picked experts from our talent pool suited to your needs. You will then select the candidates and interview them to verify the match and recruit them to your team.

3. Hire the developer
A Full Stack Developer will be placed in your organization for one year as a consultant – with full access to SALT’s engineering management. After one year you can hire the developer directly.